We are no experts or professionals in the field of meditation, however, we are regular practitioners & have gained great benefits from it. So, on this page you can find some guided meditation videos that we have enjoyed (personal preference as to when & where you do these meditations - like laying down in bed before going to sleep with earphones in for example).
Waking Up by Sam Harris is a great meditation app that is free to download. It has an introductory course followed by daily meditations, hours of conversations with some really interesting topics & much more. Message us & we can send you a link to a months free trial (If after the free trial you cannot afford the app simply email them explaining this & they will give you a years free subscription).
Sometimes during a session you may find you come across negative thoughts, this is perfectly normal as we all have our ups and downs and the way we deal with this is all part of the meditation, so keep at it. However, people who have suffered trauma may find that meditation like this has adverse effects. If at any point of practicing meditation you feel it is potentially having a negative effect on your mind & thoughts then please do not continue. If you have any questions or want any more information/personal stories then please feel free to get in touch with us. Enjoy.
The Only Meditation You Need Right Now (Please SHARE) Source: Pura Rasa
Open Your Third Eye | Strengthen Your Intuition | Guided Meditation Source: Pura Rasa
This is a basic start for meditation so if you are wanting to delve deeper into it or are interested in other specific areas of meditation please do get in touch & we will try and point you in the right direction.
If you have any suggestions of good meditation apps, websites, videos etc. that you think will benefit this community, please feel free to message us & we will get it on here for everyone to experience!