Here are some great YouTube videos & channels to check out from some of the worlds most enlightened individual's. They cover some important but yet so simple topics & ideas to bring reason & awareness to certain behaviours & emotions some of us experience, which can decline both our physical & mental health if we are ignorant or unaware of the knowledge and understanding they provide.
Why Do Bad Habits Feel SO GOOD? Source: After Skool / YouTube
Living From Your Soul vs Living From Your Ego. Source: Uplifted Life / YouTube
HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR. Source: Brainy Dose / YouTube
Why am I so Tired all the time? Avoid These 6 Energy Vampires. Source: Doctor Mike Hansen / YouTube
How Culture Makes Us Feel Lost - Dr. Gabor Maté On Finding Your True Self Again. Source: Pursuit of Wonder / YouTube
The Revelation Of The Pyramids (Documentary) Source: Best Documentary / YouTube
The Sacred Geometry Movie ~ Spirit Science 23 Source: Spirit Science / YouTube
The Art of Effortless Living (Taoist Documentary) Source: Jason Gregory / YouTube
Alan Watts ~ Don't Take Life Too Seriously Source: Wiara / YouTube
The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman Source: VICE / YouTube
This Trick Makes You Immune To Illness | Wim Hof on Impact Theory Source: Tom Bilyea / YouTube
Understand This...& You will never be LAZY again | Wim Hof Source: Absolute Motivation / YouTube
Best Insights from Alan Watts, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Aristotle, Eckhart Tolle, Joe Rogan &More Source: After Skool / YouTube
Life is NOT a Journey - Alan Watts Source: After Skool / YouTube
How to Make Yourself Immune to Pain | David Goggins on Impact Theory Source: Tom Bilyea / YouTube
Dopamine Fasting 2.0 - Overcome Addiction & Restore Motivation Source: After Skool / YouTube
Heal Yourself with The Ice Shaman | Wim Hof & Russell Brand Source: Russell Brand
Become Awake Now! | Eckhart Tolle & Russell Brand - Full Episode Source: Russell Brand
Brené Brown on Empathy Source: RSA
WATCH This Documentary FOR FREE - "Suicide the Ripple Effect" Source: Kevin Hines
How to Get your Brain to Focus by Chris Bailey Source: TedxTalks
RESET Your MINDSET - Best Morning Motivation Source: Law of Attraction Coaching
New this week:
After This You'll Change How You Do Everything! - Tony Robbins
If you have any recommendations of videos that you find interesting, that have helped you in any way or even just something to brighten someone's day, please do get in touch and will will add it to this page for everyone to enjoy!
